SOLD French 19th Century Schoelcher Paris Porcelain Coffee Service
Jill Fenichell, Inc.
$ 0.00
Jill Fenichell, Inc.
$ 0.00
French Schoelcher Paris porcelain coffee service, comprising a coffeepot, hot water pot, creamer, sugar, and eight cups and saucers, all of gold grounds decorated with matte gilt Greek key motif, centering a finely painted silhouette of a Greek god or hero, named to the sides, painted in brown, with pink highlights, in the style of Sèvres porcelain made for the famous Service Iconographique. Similar to items illustrated in M. Plinval de Guillebon, Porcelaines de Paris. 9 1⁄2” H., the coffeepot. (Minor gilding wear.)